Shift handovers
Discover how digital shift handover software improves productivity and efficiency on the shop floor.
Discover how digital shift handover software improves productivity and efficiency on the shop floor.
Discover how you can eliminate guesswork and reliance on tribal knowledge by using media-rich work instructions to standardize changeover procedures.
Discover how you can ensure compliance in manufacturing by leveraging a digital permanent record of all shop floor activities.
Conduct Behavior-based Safety (BBS) observation rounds using mobile-enabled digital tools. Process data automatically on a shared platform and visualize it on interactive live dashboards.
Assign tasks, monitor progress, and track completion on a shared platform. Easily transfer tasks between shifts, reassign them to other operators, or plan tasks ahead of time.
Automate CIL task scheduling through a digital system. Accellerate task execution by adding clear instructions. Automatically track KPIs, and generate reports with a click.
Manage CAPA requests on a platform with a permanent record. Assign, track, and monitor actions digitally.
Assign and track root cause analyses with a uniform, mobile-enabled manufacturing platform.
Allow operators to register defects on a handheld device. Assign tasks remotely and across shifts. Register all performed work and communication on a shared system.
Create a comprehensive overview of your employees’ roles, skills, and certificates. Ensure tasks are done by qualified personnel, guarantee compliance, identify skill gaps, and improve quality and safety.