Behavior-based Safety Observations (BBS)
Reduce safety incidents with BBS software
Conduct Behavior-based Safety (BBS) observation rounds using mobile-enabled digital tools. Process data automatically and visualize it on interactive live dashboards.

Paper slows down operations…
BBS rounds are crucial to improving safety on the shop floor, but in most factories, they are still executed using paper assessments.
This process is very time-consuming, as operators must leave the shop floor to obtain an assessment form.
Data entry and analysis are done manually, which is both time-consuming and prone to errors.
…observe the ease of digital tech
Mobile-enabled software like 4Industry allows your operators to execute BBS rounds directly on the shop floor—no more walking to remote workstations.
All data from these rounds is automatically registered by the system and visualized on intuitive dashboards.
This gives line leaders an instant overview of all BBS feedback and allows them to deal with any safety risk swiftly and effectively.
Digital Behavior-based Safety in action
With 4Industry’s dedicated BBS software, managers can either schedule automatically-assigned BBS tasks or assign them ad hoc.
Frontline workers receive their assignments on mobile or tablet devices, whicn they can use to take pictures and videos to contextualize their BBS observations.
Line leaders can therefore easily track if BBS round were completed, who completed them, and what feedback they gave.
All data is collected on 4Industry’s intuitive desktop app, which registers a permanent, complete, and fully traceable dataset.